Well, I made it to my 40 week appointment today. After the events of the week I was expecting to have made progress but it wasn't as much as I was expecting. I am 2.5cm dilated and 50% effaced. He did drop another cm lower so was still measuring 37 cm like the week before. She said he seemed nice and comfy in there so she ordered a Non Stress Test (NST) for this Sunday, although she believes that everything is fine with him. In addition to our NST on Sunday we get to go back next Thursday, June 4, for another NST, and ultrasound, and a 41 week check. In keeping with sounding completely redundant and ridiculous....we're really hoping we don't make it to that appointment as Mom is due to arrive on Wednesday, June 3, to help us with the baby. It would be helpful to have a baby when she gets here.

All that said, I am trying very hard to keep my spirits up and have faith that my body actually does work properly and knows what to do. It is very easy to get discouraged and weary. If I thought it was hard last time, it has to be harder this time to be telling my 5 year old day in and day out that "Mommy can't do that", "Mommy can't bend down to wash your hair", "You can't sit in my lap", "Mommy is so tired", or "Mommy is really much too big right now to spend too much time waddling around outside". I am so tired of telling her that "when the baby gets here" (complete the sentence). We're all tired of waiting for Caleb to get here. So he needs to come on.
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