Mike took the day off yesterday and went with us to the hospital for our post-dates Non- Stress Test. At 10 am they hooked me up to the monitors and recorded Caleb's heartrate for almost an hour. They said he responded well and sounded beautiful. My midwife checked me and I was still at 2.5cm and 50% just like Thursday, so no progress. She may have gotten things going though, so we will see what happens. She said that everything seems ready, I just need to get some good contractions going. As of now, I still have 3 more appointments for this coming Thursday. Another NST, an ultrasound, and my 41 week check.

Things are picking up some this morning so I'm crossing my fingers and trying to be hopeful. I sent Mike to work anyway even though he hung around a little longer than usual to try and be sure. We're all so tired of the 'waiting and seeing' game. Funny how I knew from the very beginning of this journey that I would most likely be having a June baby but I was still holding out for a May baby. It took until right up to the end of the night for me to accept that my May baby would be a June baby. We will keep everyone updated as the week goes on.

Here are some photos from the weekend. First one is of Reagan riding her scooter. We had some beautiful weather this weekend.

This picture is from last night. We made brownies with Reese's peanut butter cups pressed into the brownie mix!  Mmmm!!! This is the result of Reagan licking the wisk.  :o)

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