
Hard to believe our Kinley-bean will be 2 months old very soon. We are starting to get some personality! This photo makes my heart melt.

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Our long-awaited addition arrived on February 26, 2011 at 8:34 am. She weighed 7lb 15oz and was 20.5 inches long.

After a few days of on/off contractions and other impending labor signs, Friday morning I woke up extra uncomfortable and agitated. Mike left for work which was becoming increasingly stressful for both of us due to him being an hour from home and us living up to an hour from the hospital. Thoughts of going into labor at home alone with the kids compiled with worries of repeat placental issues were making me a wreck. I decided to put in a call to Kaiser to explain the situation to one of my doctors and see if they would be willing to induce since I was already past my due date. The nurse got me an appointment for that afternoon. Mom left work early to take me to the appointment and help with the kids.

We got to the appointment a little early but they took us right away. The nurse came in and took me into triage and hooked me up to the monitors. They monitored contractions and baby's heartbeat for about half an hour. The doctor came in and looked at the monitor report and then checked me. I was fully expecting for there to be no change from my appointment two days earlier but to my surprise, he said, "Yep, you're in labor." HOORAY!! He instructed us to go straight to the hospital, that he would be notifying them that we were on the way. :)

I called Mike on the way out of the doctor's office so that he could meet us at the hospital. It was rush hour, no doubt!! Thankfully, Mom had convinced me to bring my hospital bag with me, just in case. So, we began the drive up. Caleb fell asleep and watching him, it sunk in that it would be the last time I saw him while he was still "the baby". (Can you say hormones? LOL)

Mom dropped me off at Piedmont Hospital at around 5:30pm and Mike was waiting for us. We said goodbye to Mom and the kids and went up to L&D. Once we got there, they took us straight to my room and got things started. I was still about 4cm at that time. I got my epidural around 6pm, was nice and comfortable, and they left us to rest for awhile. Probably around 8pm, the midwife checked me again and I was about 5cm and contractions were still weak and pretty far apart. So, they started me on a low drip of pitocin and gradually increased it throughout the night.

My epidural didn't take all the way and I began feeling some pretty intense contractions in the early morning hours around 5am after the midwife came in and broke my water. About 7am, I felt some definite movement and a little pressure. About 5 minutes later, my midwife and nurse came in and said they had seen it on the monitors. My midwife checked me and said that I was almost complete. They raised the back of my bed up and lowered the bottom so that I was in a mostly sitting position. They left me that way to "labor down" for an hour. At 8am, they came back and my midwife began "gloving up". She asked me to do one test push and then told me to stop. She and the nurse finished getting everything ready.

Once they were ready, I was allowed to push. Less than 5 easy pushes later, the midwife had delivered Kinley's head and shoulders. She asked me if I wanted to deliver the rest of her. I reached under Kinley's arms and lifted her onto my chest. It was the most amazing feeling in the entire world. I held her and she was looking up into my face and barely crying at all. The midwife then asked Mike if he wanted to cut the cord. He declined so they let me cut it instead. All in all, it was a really amazing experience that I will never forget for my whole life and by far the best delivery experience of all 3 of my babies. Kinley never went into distress, never required internal fetal monitoring, and there was no need for an episiotomy, forceps, or vacuum. :)

They let me hold her for quite some time before taking her to get weighed, measured, and cleaned up. Then the drama began. My midwife couldn't deliver my placenta. It was happening again. I tried to remain focused on Mike and Kinley and what was going on with her but kept getting distracted by the amount of blood I kept seeing in front of me. Lynette (my midwife) had the OB surgeon paged to the room immediately. Once he arrived, it was an extremely painful repeat of my post-delivery with Caleb. External uterine massage is excruciating pain. After about 30-45 minutes of massage and manual curettage, an increase in epidural, and a shot in the leg of pitocin, the doctor was able to remove all of the placenta.

Things calmed down after that and we were feeling good that everything seemed to be more controlled this time around vs. with Caleb. I ordered some breakfast and was enjoying spending time with Mike and Kinley. Once my breakfast arrived, I began to feel nauseous and weak. Suddenly, I told Mike that I was going to pass out and we put in a call to the nurse. The nurse and my midwife were in there in a matter of seconds and were tilting my bed backwards and checking my blood pressure. I felt like I was in a tunnel as my hearing and vision began to fade. I heard one of the nurses say that my blood pressure was 77/45 and distinctly remember beginning to cry. I looked at Mike holding Kinley and thought of my other two babies. I've never been so scared in my whole life.

The OB surgeon came back in and they ended up doing more massage and gave me more medications to help my uterus "clamp" as I was still passing a lot of blood. Thankfully, they were able to stabilize me and I began to feel better after some time.

Later in the afternoon, Mom and Dad brought the kids up to the hospital to meet their new baby sister. Reagan instantly loved her but I think Caleb didn't really care one way or another. Ha!

We brought her home Monday afternoon and have been adjusting well. Kinley is such a joy. She is a great sleeper and has been eating well also. She has become more alert and awake in the last couple of days and I just can't wait to see her little personality and smiles as she gets older. We are so in love! :)

At least in my case they do. So, today was my due date and Kinley is still refusing to give Mommy a break. Doctor said, at my appointment today, that I'm 2.5cm and 70%. She's lower than Reagan and Caleb ever were until 2nd stage labor, measuring 35 weeks.. Dr. Madden said he couldn't even feel her head through my belly, only the base of her skull. Her heart rate seemed low so he sent me to be monitored for 20 minutes. During that time, I had ONE lousy contraction. He was happy with her heart rates after monitoring and said she looked great. Next appointment is March 2 at which time they will schedule an induction but not before. This Mama wants to cry just thinking about that appointment. (And I probably will when I wake up tomorrow still pregnant.)

In the meantime, I am cleaning my house like a mad woman. No, it's not nesting. It's a diversion. I can't sit still or I will do nothing but cry until this kid comes out.

Hopefully, I will have something cheerful to report before my next appointment. :)

Here is my glorious due date photo. Ha!

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Well, here we are, down to one week. And I am evaluating every twinge, kick, and pain. I have some good, some bad, and some really miserable days but that shouldn't be a surprise since I've been here two times already! Yesterday was a pretty good day as I managed to pushed Caleb up and down the driveway several times in his Cozy Coupe and on Sissy's scooter and then play hopscotch with Reagan. I'm definitely paying for it this morning, though, with painful swelling in my hands and feet. For the third time this week, I am wide awake at 6 am. So, here I am! :)

I decided to do an ExpectNet baby pool again. I did one for both of the other kids so I might as well have one for Kinley too. So, please go vote!!! We want lots and lots of votes!

My awesome sister-in-law to-be threw me a baby shower last Saturday, the 12th, at hers and Casey's house. It was so much fun and so sweet of her to do! We had about 8 people, the food was great, the games were fun, and Kinley definitely got showered with gifts. She has so many cute clothes that I can't wait for her to wear and lots of cloth-diapering "fluff" that her Mommy is pretty excited about too. I think Reagan had a really good time as well. She was the photographer and seemed to be really excited about some of Kinley's new outfits with the way she "oohed " and "aahed" over some of them.

Here I am at 38 weeks:

Here are some photos from the shower:

Tomorrow morning I have my 39 week appointment. I'm hoping for good news and a baby soon to follow!
"Another year is done and a new one just begun."

Thanksgiving and Christmas came and went, and about that fast too. We hosted Thanksgiving at our house this year and I thought it went very, very well. We had tons of yummy food and our favorite people all together and plenty of room for everyone. The weather was beautiful. We ended up with way too many leftovers, no doubt, but it was a day I was sad to see end.

The preparation for Christmas was more stressful this year than I remember it being in the past but that's probably to be expected when the kids get older and harder to shop for. Ha!

With the New Year, the focus has been on preparing for Kinley Jocelyn's eventual arrival. I've been buying bits and pieces of the few items that are needed for her, which really isn't much. February 1st meant the end of our waiting period for our insurance to kick in. Hooray! It was a long wait but after my 37 week prenatal appointment today with the midwife at Kaiser, it was well worth the wait. The experience with Kaiser has been superb so far. And I welcome the pleasantness with open arms after the last months' experiences with private OB practices.

So, as of today, Kinley has finally turned head-down. She is engaged and dropped. I am 1.5cm dilated and 50% effaced. I know from my previous two that this means nothing so I'm not getting excited. The plan is to go forward with a normal delivery despite my placental history. The midwife put notes in the system and sent them to the team at the hospital as well so that all are prepared as much as possible in the event the situation occurs again, which she admitted was likely. To be honest, I am terrified but am trusting in the good folks at Piedmont to take really good care of me. Now, everything is up to Kinley. Come on baby!!

Here are my most recent pregnancy photos:

30 weeks

36 weeks

37 weeks