We had a virtual baby shower today for Caleb.  Thank you to my incredible Hostess, Chrissy.  It was a lot of fun even if it didn't turn out the way we had hoped.  We all got in a group chat and Mom watched me open gifts via live webcam and typed commentary for everyone else.  We got a lot of really nice things for the baby and Reagan even made out pretty well!  I won the baby shower game The Price Is Right: Baby Shower Edition.  Woohoo!!  Go me! Virtual cocktails and toasts were enjoyed by all!

Tomorrow, Reagan and I are hoping to meet up with our Mommies group for an afternoon of play after baby shopping with our 10% off registry coupon!  Fun!  Tuesday we go back to the doctor for my 37 week appointment.  I will post updates after the appointment.

By request, here are some photos of me on "baby shower day".  I am 36.4 weeks today.  I'm not sure there's much room left for him, he might have to come early.  (PLEASE!!!!)

1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    You'll have to tell me what you opened at the shower :o)
    Our internet came back around 6:50 and I immediately logged on to Google and invited Chrissy to chat - then I waited for ten minutes while nothing happened. I assumed I had done something wrong so I sadly put away my laptop and got my kids ready for bed. Sounds like I missed out on some fun!

    By the way: You do realize that every time I visit your blog I am faced with an undeniable urge to drive to Intermezzo for a latte :oD