Today was supposed to be my day off. Key word: supposed. I had planned to work on cleaning up the house, doing some laundry, maybe even getting a head start on packing (we are in the process of possibly buying a house), making some phone calls, and using the remainder of my gift money to get a relaxing spa pedicure. This was my plan BEFORE I came home from work on Tuesday night to a sick 4 year old. 

Instead, my day went something like this. Up on and off all night with sick Caleb. Sleep later than intended because of exhaustion. Stress and worry about getting a home inspection done within the 7 day time period. Stress and worry whether this is the best time to be buying a house. Get a spa pedicure and TRY to relax while waiting to hear how Mom's surgery went. Rush home to pick up Thing 1 and Thing 2 and go to Thing 1's doctor appointment. Fill out too many pages of redundant paperwork while Thing 1 & Thing 2 roll around like maniacs in the floor of the waiting room. My two year old doesn't seem to understand how gross I think it is when she drags her blanket across a public floor, knowing that the corner of said blanket will go into her mouth as soon as she gets still somewhere. 

Turns out Caleb has hand, foot, and mouth disease, and a pretty severe case of it. My poor dude has blisters all over his mouth and an itchy rash on his hands and feet that keeps him awake and crying all night. So, we leave there and go straight to Publix to fill his prescription, which takes almost an hour. Then we go to McDonald's (sick boy's request) for a cheeseburger and a milkshake in the middle of a thunderstorm. After getting home and administering the medicines and applying the ointments to his rashes, all of which make him scream and cry, Kinley started running a fever. ::sigh::

Bathed them and got them ready for bed, went through the whole medicine and ointment and screaming/crying routine again and finally got both kids in bed. At this point, I'm exhausted and not thinking at all about P90X or working out tonight. So, I poured myself a glass of wine and flopped down on the couch. After an hour, I couldn't stand the guilt any longer. I kept going over all the excuses in my head and trying to convince myself each was super legitimate because I had a really rough day with sick kiddos. But these excuses were coming from me, the coach who is always talking to her challengers about NO EXCUSES!

And then I made a decision like flipping a light switch. I went to the kitchen and downed my E&E and then donned my workout clothes. An hour and fifteen minutes later, I was done with Day 1 of P90X!!

I didn't sweat near as much as I did when I was doing Combat but my arms and core were SHAKING when I got done! I could hardly hold up the camera to take that picture. Ha!! Feels so good to have persevered and do what I said I was going to do despite the difficulties that could have kept me from it. 

I don't think I ever did Chest & Back in the version of P90X I was doing last year. Last year I was doing Lean because it was less intensive and I was very out of shape at that time. This time I'm going for Classic. I really liked this workout but I forgot how hard Ab Ripper X is after an hour of P90X! I will definitely be feeling this in the morning!

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