Well, here we are, down to one week. And I am evaluating every twinge, kick, and pain. I have some good, some bad, and some really miserable days but that shouldn't be a surprise since I've been here two times already! Yesterday was a pretty good day as I managed to pushed Caleb up and down the driveway several times in his Cozy Coupe and on Sissy's scooter and then play hopscotch with Reagan. I'm definitely paying for it this morning, though, with painful swelling in my hands and feet. For the third time this week, I am wide awake at 6 am. So, here I am! :)

I decided to do an ExpectNet baby pool again. I did one for both of the other kids so I might as well have one for Kinley too. So, please go vote!!! We want lots and lots of votes!

My awesome sister-in-law to-be threw me a baby shower last Saturday, the 12th, at hers and Casey's house. It was so much fun and so sweet of her to do! We had about 8 people, the food was great, the games were fun, and Kinley definitely got showered with gifts. She has so many cute clothes that I can't wait for her to wear and lots of cloth-diapering "fluff" that her Mommy is pretty excited about too. I think Reagan had a really good time as well. She was the photographer and seemed to be really excited about some of Kinley's new outfits with the way she "oohed " and "aahed" over some of them.

Here I am at 38 weeks:

Here are some photos from the shower:

Tomorrow morning I have my 39 week appointment. I'm hoping for good news and a baby soon to follow!
1 Response
  1. Kinley, time to let your momma have her body back, and get to meet you!!

    Looks like the shower was really fun - and you look stunning at 38 weeks. All belly, sweetest baby bump I've ever seen on anyone. Hope you aren't in too much pain today, and that she decides this is the week!