"Another year is done and a new one just begun."

Thanksgiving and Christmas came and went, and about that fast too. We hosted Thanksgiving at our house this year and I thought it went very, very well. We had tons of yummy food and our favorite people all together and plenty of room for everyone. The weather was beautiful. We ended up with way too many leftovers, no doubt, but it was a day I was sad to see end.

The preparation for Christmas was more stressful this year than I remember it being in the past but that's probably to be expected when the kids get older and harder to shop for. Ha!

With the New Year, the focus has been on preparing for Kinley Jocelyn's eventual arrival. I've been buying bits and pieces of the few items that are needed for her, which really isn't much. February 1st meant the end of our waiting period for our insurance to kick in. Hooray! It was a long wait but after my 37 week prenatal appointment today with the midwife at Kaiser, it was well worth the wait. The experience with Kaiser has been superb so far. And I welcome the pleasantness with open arms after the last months' experiences with private OB practices.

So, as of today, Kinley has finally turned head-down. She is engaged and dropped. I am 1.5cm dilated and 50% effaced. I know from my previous two that this means nothing so I'm not getting excited. The plan is to go forward with a normal delivery despite my placental history. The midwife put notes in the system and sent them to the team at the hospital as well so that all are prepared as much as possible in the event the situation occurs again, which she admitted was likely. To be honest, I am terrified but am trusting in the good folks at Piedmont to take really good care of me. Now, everything is up to Kinley. Come on baby!!

Here are my most recent pregnancy photos:

30 weeks

36 weeks

37 weeks

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