At least in my case they do. So, today was my due date and Kinley is still refusing to give Mommy a break. Doctor said, at my appointment today, that I'm 2.5cm and 70%. She's lower than Reagan and Caleb ever were until 2nd stage labor, measuring 35 weeks.. Dr. Madden said he couldn't even feel her head through my belly, only the base of her skull. Her heart rate seemed low so he sent me to be monitored for 20 minutes. During that time, I had ONE lousy contraction. He was happy with her heart rates after monitoring and said she looked great. Next appointment is March 2 at which time they will schedule an induction but not before. This Mama wants to cry just thinking about that appointment. (And I probably will when I wake up tomorrow still pregnant.)

In the meantime, I am cleaning my house like a mad woman. No, it's not nesting. It's a diversion. I can't sit still or I will do nothing but cry until this kid comes out.

Hopefully, I will have something cheerful to report before my next appointment. :)

Here is my glorious due date photo. Ha!

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