The week started out less than spectacular with morning sickness taking out its fury on me, and Caleb's diaper rash returning even worse than before.

Wednesday morning, Mike had Interview #1 of his summer-long job search. It seemed to go well and we are awaiting the call for Interview #2 with the same company. I am crossing all my crossables that everything goes well.

Also on Wednesday morning, I had my 13 week prenatal appointment. Due to Mike's interview going longer than expected, I went to the appointment alone, which was a disappointment because we were supposed to get to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time. Well, hearing the heartbeat was not meant to be. My midwife searched for a good 10 minutes and it was no where to be found. To ease my worries (even though she said the morning sickness was sufficient evidence that all was well) she sent me over to the ultrasound lab to check on things. Yay for ultrasounds!!

The ultrasound tech was so great! She found the baby right away and let me watch for a good half an hour. Baby looked awesome! He/She was bouncing all around in there, rolling, flipping, and just generally showing off for me. I was sad that Mike and the kids had missed it. The tech took about 12 pictures for me to take home, all of which turned out really great. Before leaving, I got to set up my next appointment for September 14. Before that appointment, we will have our BIG ultrasound and find out whether the belly bean is a girl or a boy! I can't wait!!

Here are some pictures from the ultrasound:

Here is Bean, chilling out. I love how you can see both legs and the little nose. :)

Here is Bean arching his/her back and reaching toward the mouth. You can see tiny fingers!

In this one you can actually see the baby using my uterus as a launching pad! See the bent knees and the teeny foot at the top? :)

And here is the baby saying, "Go Junior" with his/her arms up just like big brother!! The baby is turned away in the photo. You can see the spine from the base of the neck to the rump, a femur bone of the thigh, the arm, hand, and tiny fingers!

Caleb had a word explosion this week! He went from a handful of words to closer to 10! He can say cracker, here, look, No, pap pap (pacifier), bear, Buzz (Buzz Lightyear), thank you, here you go......Those are the only ones I can think of right now. Some of them are undecipherable to people other than me and Mike but words, nonetheless. :)

And on the last exciting note! I completed my final two theory courses for school! Tomorrow morning I will go in to meet with Mary and calculate my remaining hours, if any. I am so excited and can't believe I finished by my goal date. When school started, the goal was to finish by the end of August. I'm pretty proud of myself and Mike and the kids for my being able to do this with the limited physical support that we have. We are a pretty awesome team!

And speaking of the team....tomorrow is mine and Mike's 2-year anniversary! We both decided this morning that we couldn't believe it was 2 years. Seems like an eternity! LOL!!
1 Response
  1. Trish Rhodes Says:

    Happy Anniversary!

    Congrats on your school successes!

    The little bean looks beautiful!

    Yay Caleb - now come teach my two how to speak!