Well, I've proved that I'm not that great at keeping this thing updated. Perhaps I can be consistent with every 6 months! To recap: Reagan turned 6 in March and Caleb celebrated his 1st birthday earlier this month. We took a huge family vacation to California in April and spent the week at Disneyland. We had a great time! I started Electrology school in April as well and am a little more than half way done now. Expecting to complete all of my hours sometime in August. I am loving every minute that I am at school.

Reagan's last day of Kindergarten is next week. They have been visiting the 1st Grade classrooms and preparing the kids to go into the First Grade. Reagan is excited about attending all-day school in the Fall. She is signed up for Art Camp for two weeks in July. She lost her first tooth last month and has a couple more that are loose! The tooth fairy left her a dollar and her reaction was, "That's not a whistle!"

Caleb has been walking for a couple of months now and has six teeth. He still doesn't have any words but Reagan has enough for all of us. :)

Here is our last 6 months in photos! Enjoy!

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