I haven't been doing a very good job keeping this updated lately. Busy is an understatement. But it's also a very good thing.

Reagan started Kindergarten on September 8. It was a bittersweet day for me but she is having a great time and learning so much. She has reading homework every night and family projects to work on every month. She seems to like it it really well and has a crush already. His name is Hayden.

Caleb is getting huge. Our little chunky man will be 4 months old soon. He started "talking" last week when Mom and Dad were visiting from GA. Still not rolling, but he has started scooting.

Mom and Dad came up last week for an eight day visit. Over the weekend we all drove up to New Hampshire for a weekend trip. It was a great weekend! I had so much fun. The leaf peeping left some to be desired since we were a little early for that, probably only by a week, unfortunately. The weather was beautiful. We stayed in Littleton, NH a few miles from Franconia Notch State Park in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. It was really beautiful there in the mountains. We had an excellent dinner at a really cool little Mexican restaurant in Littleton, called Alburritos. The live music was wonderful and completed the atmosphere. It was so much fun.

Saturday, we got up early and headed to the park. We did some hiking in the park along the Pemigewasset River that was spectacular. Sunday, we rode the aerial tram up Cannon Mountain. The views were beautiful!

It was a really great weekend and I was sad for it to be over. Here are some photos from Reagan's first day of school, our New Hampshire trip, and others from the past month or so. I'll try to update more often.

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