Halfway through the 31st week and I'm both excited and anxious that the countdown has entered the single digits. 8.5 weeks to go!! We still have quite a bit of unpacking to do in the cardboard jungle that Mike calls our "Fire Hazard". We don't have the first thing set up or purchased for baby's arrival and at times it makes me panic. But I know that it will all come together.

We go next Friday for our 32 week appointment and are hoping to get the "OK" to travel west for a wedding and to visit family. Looks like Mike will be heading out without us if I'm not ok'd to travel; so everyone keep their fingers crossed for me!

Well, not much to report. We're just waiting for the arrival of spring up here in New England. Poor Reagan stands at the backdoor and asks, "Mommy, is Spring ever going to get here?" We have noticed a slight warming trend (meaning a couple of days in a row with temps reaching the 50s). Ha! Last night the crickets came out and Reagan loved it until it was time to go to sleep. :o)

I will post updates in the upcoming week after our 32 week appointment. Maybe some new belly shots are in order.

In Memory of Ty Cobb, very loved and very missed.

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