
Well, I'm making progress at least and progress is good. I'm sure I'll get better at this as I go.

Since this was originally supposed to be a website for the pregnancy and the baby, I will start there. As I've been constructing the blog, however, I hope for it to be more and will continue to work on it. Not sure how much I will get up on the site today as it is my turn in the family to have some kind of cold virus. Ick....

I put together some slideshows that I hope will work, and if they don't, I will figure something else out. The first one is a collection of photos from throughout my pregnancy so far. I noticed when putting the slideshow together that almost all of the belly pictures I have were taken by myself. Ha! I will have to tell Mike to get on the ball.


Here is a slideshow of all of the photos from our 24 week 3D ultrasound.

1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    I'm so glad you call them "belly shots" and avoided the ridiculous "baby bump". I really can not stand it when all the rags at the check out counters across the nation declare this weeks celebrity BABY BUMP!!!! grrrrr :o/