We had a very enjoyable family day yesterday. We all got to sleep in which was fantastic! Mike made bacon and eggs for breakfast before we loaded up and went to the Museum of Science. We had a great time. All of the exhibits were interactive (Reagan got to push a lot of buttons) and interesting. I was hoping there would be more dinosaurs and weather exhibits for Reagan to enjoy but she still had fun. There is a frog exhibit there until the 25th that was the main purpose of our visit and it was awesome! It was by far my favorite part of the trip. I think Reagan's favorite part was the Mythic Creatures exhibit. She got to see how dolphins jumping through the water can look like a sea serpent. We read about all kinds of legends of dragons, mermaids, griffins, giant squids, and other wild things. Her favorite was the giant statue of a unicorn.

After the museum we went to pick up Mike's car which is now as good as new. We had a fun dinner together and then went to Costco for churros!

All in all, it was a great day; the kind that you wish you could have together every day. Reagan and I were wishing that Mike could stay with us again today. But it's back to the day to day. We dropped Mike off at the train station this morning and will be cleaning and unpacking boxes for the remainder of the day. Only 10 more weeks to get things in order! Come on 'nesting'!

2 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Neat! We're definitely going there when I visit :oD

  2. Chrissie Says:

    You would love it, they have SO much to do and see. And it's all interactive so we really didn't even get to do everything that was offered.